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Blessings from Ray Archer at Sabbath HOLY <3


They gullibly believe the media, the government, the doctors, the politicians, the pastors, and churches. 

Please shun the crowd of shallow thinkers and rise up to a higher level to be amongst the elite minority of people who, like our Saviour Jesus, REALLY THINK.

Thank you for THINKING about this THOUGHT.

Please invest 68 minutes of your time in your eternal destiny. Watch this message about the forgotten part of the Sabbath commandment.


A very small percentage of the world’s population REALLY THINK.

A slightly larger percentage of the people THINK THEY THINK.

The overwhelming majority of the world’s population LET OTHER PEOPLE DO THEIR THINKING FOR THEM.

Good News for a Better Life printed book cover.

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The words of this little book guarantee a reduction in stress and depression, and an increase in happiness and good attitude in life, whether you are an atheist, agnostic, Christian, or someone searching for meaning in life.

Best wishes for ‘A Better Life’ – guaranteed!

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